Thursday 10 July 2014

Hungarian dumplings "galuska" or "nokedli"

Lietuviška šių makaronų versija čia.

This kind of pasta is used in many Hungarian dishes: soups or, for example, served with the stew (hu: pörkölt, paprikás, tokány) instead of usual pasta or potatoes. These noodles differ in taste, texture and ingredients from those you can by in the store.

You will need:
(This example is for a big pan of soup)
  • 2 eggs
  • 6 tablespoons of flour
  • salt to taste
  • some water, if necessary
Put all pasta ingredients into a bowl and stir. There are several ways of preparing "galuszka". Here are some easy examples:

1. With a small spoon.
Hold a bowl with the mixture over a boiling pot of soup or water. Then, using a spoon let small peaces of dough to fall into the pan. Occasionally dip the spoon into the soup/water so that the dough wouldn't stick to it.
2. With a special kitchen tool. You may want to purchase this tool if you are going to cook Hungarian dishes more often. We also use it:
This is the video where you can watch, how can this be done:

Another kitchen tool which looks like a strainer, only the holes are bigger :)

3. With a knife.
Note that the dough in this video is thicker than in the previous two. So I suppose this pasta will also be a little bit harder.

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