Friday 11 July 2014

The perfect yogurt cake

Nuoroda į lietuvišką versiją čia.
This cake was baked for my friend's birthday. I made a research on the internet, because I had never baked such cake before. So I was hoping to find exactly what I was looking for... The image of a perfect yogurt cake was standing in my mind: so light and fresh, melting in your mouth...
I chose this recipe here - it's in Lithuanian, so I will translate it for you.
This cake fulfilled my expectations! And it is easy to make! I will bake it over and over again in the future. My friend's eyes are just shining, when I say, that I wanna make it again... ;)

I strongly recommend to try it!

For a biscuit you will need (for a cake with diameter 24 cm):
  • 5 eggs
  • 5 tablespoons of sugar
  • 5 tablespoons of flour
  • 1 teaspoon of baking powder
  • a little bit of vanilla
For a cream you will need: 
  • 400 grams of full fat cream 
  • 1 big package of yogurt (3,5% fat) - I used lower in fat (1,5%), peach taste 
  • 3 tablespoons of powdered sugar 
  • 2 tablespoons of gelatin 
  • 1 can of fruits - I used apricots 
For making your biscuit wet:
  • liquid from the canned fruit
Separate egg yolks from egg whites. Add sugar into egg yolks and mix good with a mixer. Whip egg whites until tight, add it to egg yolk mass. Mix flour with baking powder and slowly add it into the egg, mix carefully. Oil the baking dish. Put the dough in and bake in the oven preheated to 180 C for about 30 minutes. Let it cool.

Time to prepare your icing:
Add a few spoonfuls of water into gelatin, let it swell for 15-20 minutes. Then melt in the hot water bath. Whisk the cream together with the powdered sugar. Pour melted and cooled down gelatin in, stir, then add the yogurt and finely chopped canned fruit, stir again. Put this mass into the fridge for some time so that it could solidify a little bit.

Cut the biscuit in 3 equal peaces. First put the biscuit, then syrup it with your canned fruit liquid (few spoons are enough). Coat first layer with icing. Place another peace of biscuit on top and repeat the same procedure. Do the third layer in exactly the same way. Leave some icing for the sides of the cake. Decorate how you wish: with cream, fruit or whatever allows your imagination.

Enjoy your cake!

For cutting the biscuit you may want to achieve something like this (it helps a lot, but you can also use just a knife):

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