Thursday 14 August 2014

Crepes with baked minced meat

Lietuviška versija yra čia.
Crepes... I expect them to be thin, with crunchy edges, not too greasy... And definitely with some taste - without the filling they also have to be eatable. This is not a desert, so they must be nutritious and flour-water-oil version is not an option. I will share my favorite crepe recipe, which I make many years already and don't search for any other. Also, I will share one filling, which I found just couple of days ago and loved it (it's tomatoes actually).
For the crepes you will need:
From this I usually make about 12 units.
  • 3 big eggs
  • 1 glass or 150 grams of flour
  • sugar (if the filling is not sweet - maximum 1 tablespoon, if sweet - 2 tablespoons)
  • dash of salt
  • 1,5 glass or 375 milliliters of milk
  • butter for baking
Beat the eggs. In another bowl mix flour, sugar, salt and constantly mixing pour the milk little by little into the flour mass - this prevents lumps. Pour the eggs in and mix till smooth. Cover with plastic foil and place into the fridge for 30 minutes.
Take it out, mix again and bake on the butter.
It's not easy to bake on the butter, because it likes to burn your crepes, but it does add a much better flavor to them. I put just a little bit of butter in the middle of the pan before every crepe and bake on a low heat - then I don't have any problems with sticking or burning. Just don't put too much of the butter, because this can add way too many calories to your dish.
For the filling you will need:
  • 0,5 kilo of minced meat
  • 3 tomatoes
  • 1 large onion
  • 1-2 cloves of garlic
  • salt
  • pepper
  • your favorite meat spices
  • 0,5 cup of water
  • a little bit of olive oil
Chop the onion finely, squeeze the garlic and bake in the pan with oil. Add the minced meat, bake till you don't see any red meat. Peel the tomatoes, cut them in cubes, add to the meat mass, mix and let braise. Add water, lower the heat and braise covered with lid for about 10 minutes. Remove the lid and braise till the water evaporates, mix occasionally. Add the spices, stir. When the meat is ready it stops stewing and starts baking - turn of the heat. Mince this meat mass with a blender or meat grinder. Let it cool.
Fill your crepes with this filling.
In my case it was enough for 7 crepes, so the rest 5 I made with grated apple(2 units) mixed with cinnamon (1 teaspoon) and sugar (2 ablespoons) :)

Original meat filling recipe is here.
Enjoy your crepes!

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