Wednesday 10 September 2014

Potato cakes with salmon

Lietuviška versija čia.
Those who tried and liked Lithuanian "žemaičių blynai" (mashed potato cakes with meat inside) and likes eating salmon, will also enjoy those Cakes. Few years ago I found the recipe here. The recipe simple as it is.
You'll need:
From this dose I made about 18 pancakes, 5-6 cm in diameter. A part of those cakes I freeze for later - it's a good quick food when you don't have time for cooking. (Form the pancakes and put in a sealed container covered with baking paper, then place them in the freezer.)
  • 1 kilogram of potatoes
  • 200 grams of salmon (can be smoked or fresh - I tried both variations)
  • 2 eggs
  • greens: dill, parsley or other (to taste)
  • 1 big leek
  • salt, pepper to taste
  • butter and/or oil for baking
  1. Cook the potatoes and mash. Mix the eggs in.
  2. Add chopped greens, spices, chopped in half rings leek, cut salmon. Mix everything.
  3. Form the cakes and bake in the pan with oil and butter mix.
We usually eat them with fresh vegetable salad.

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